Re: Formula to assign fiscal quarter not working
Here's a shorter version: =IFERROR("Q" + VALUE(IF(MONTH([Estimated Ship]@row) <= 6, 2, -2) + INT((MONTH([Estimated Ship Date]@row) + 2) / 3)), "") Craig1 · -
Re: Default properties for rows
I believe this is a bug. The columns are 'remembering' the formatting from the original template. I don't know how or why, but early-on found a work-around so stopped investigating. No amount of savi…1 · -
Re: Totaling a column with check boxes
One clarification to Shaine's point. You CAN put the calculation into the CheckBox column, but the result must be converted to text by adding + "" to it. If the count or sum then needs to b…1 · -
Re: Percentage (%) complete formula
=MIN( your formula, 1) Watch out for divide by zero when the task is completed the same day it started. Craig1 · -
Responding to Josh: Your syntax is wrong. Your use of the [Type] column implies you are looking for something there (car, wagon, etc...) but you aren't. I fixed the formula on your sheet: =COUNTIF(Co…3 ·